Brookhaven QandD Tournament Signup Instructions

Foretees will not be used anymore to sign up for QandD events. You can do one of the three following ways to get signed up:
  1. login to the website at and register yourself. The instructions for logging in and signing up are below; or

  2. you can send us an email at and we will get you signed up; or

  3. Call the ProShop at (972) 488-4896 and ask them to sign you up

So you might be asking yourself, if I want to use my computer, how do I login and signup? Here's how!

Go to and login using your last name and GHIN number.
  • You will need your GHIN number to login. That is the number you use to record your scores for handicap purposes. If you do not know that number you can get it from the Pro-Shop
  • If you are new and have never logged in before, you can go to the "NEW MEMBERS APPLY NOW" section and register yourself
  • If you cannot login using your last name and GHIN number, you can go to the "NEW MEMBERS APPLY NOW" section and register yourself
  • Once you log in, that computer will remember your login information for up to one year unless you log out

  • Click on the "Tournaments" tab.
  • Click on "QandD Schedule & Events" from the pull-down window
  • A list of all of the past and upcoming tournaments will appear. Notice that any tournament you have already signed up for will have an "*" in front of the name
  • Click on the link for the tournament you want to signup for
  • Click on the "Sign me up for this tournament"
  • You are now signed up! It is as easy as that!

What if this is a PARTNER event and you want to signup with a partner?No problem!
  • First follow the directions above to sign yourself up
  • Click on "Sign up my partner also" and a list of all people who are in the QandD and have not partnered with anyone yet will appear
  • Click on who you want to partner with
That is it! (note: this option only appears if partners are allowed for that event)

Want to see who has signed up for that event and who they have partnered with?
  • Click on the "Show me who is signed up so far for this tournament" link

Once signed up, how to remove someone as a partner AND unregister them from the tournament
  • Click the "Cancel sign up for XXXXXXX" (where XXXXXXX will be the actual name of the partner you signed up with)
You will still be signedup as a single but they will not be signed up at all. You can now sign up a different partner.

Once signed up, how to remove someone as a partner BUT leave them registered for the tournament
  • Click the "Cancel my sign up (leave XXXXXXX signed up as a single)" (where XXXXXXX will be the actual name of the partner you signed up with)

That leaves them as a single but unregisters you completely.

If you want to signup again (either as a single or with a partner), simply click "Sign me up for this tournament" and you are signed up again.

You can now sign up a different partner if you would like.

If you have any questions or need help send an email to and we can help you get going!


Copyright © 2019 Eagle Innovations, Inc
for use of "Queens and Drones Golf Association"
All Rights Reserved
Powered by Eagle Innovations, Inc
Eagle Tournament System
a.k.a. "ETS"